It's kind of funny b/c last week when we got our recent update, the kids and I were at a playdate and walking home w/ the stroller when Brett called saying we got our update on the computer! I raced home to see the pictures. Now, today, Brett came home early from work, so I went to the health club to swim and as i was driving home, he called w/ the good news!
I told him he should come home early every day and just sit in front of the computer since he's the one who seems to get the good news first!!! :) haha!
Anyhow we're all very, very excited w/ this news and hope to hear about a Final Ruling very soon!!!
ALSO, we've decided to officially announce her name!
Kaiya Tsai-Yi Korensky
We picked Kaiya b/c it is a Japanese/Chinese name that means Forgiveness. We liked the sound of it and thought it was somewhat similar to her Taiwanese name.
Here's to having her home for the holidays!!!