Thursday, September 25, 2008

K's feeling better as you can tell by some fun videos!

Here's some video explaining how old they are.  K loves to tell people she's "2-old"

This is G's favorite tune . . . can you tell what he's obsessed with? :)

And K loves to sing-especially at night while i'm rocking her in her chair-she sings to me-it's so cute.  I just wish i could figure out what she's singing? :)

So, as you can tell again . . . K is feeling much better (thank goodness) and her brother and her are actually playing nicely (miracle!).  Don't worry, no one gets hurt in these videos-all fun! crazy kid fun! haha!

Part II


Just Us said...

That looked like fun!!!!

rachel said...

your kids are so adorable! these videos are just darling! i love "2 old".
thank you for the encouragement on our adoption decision. i really appreciate it! :)

Lisa said...

I have been viewing from afar for a long time; I only began blogging in late Aug. and only then managed to figure out how to post comments! LOL...some of us are slow of figure it all out! :)
But just had to pop in and get my fix of your beautiful family...truly delightful!
We are a fellow JOH family too!
Thanks for letting me follow along!
Lisa C.
P.S. So glad your little sweetie is feeling better! When they are sick is it sooo hard!

Casey said...

Hi Nicole! You have the sweetest, cutest children! :-)
Thanks for always leaving me nice messages...keeping me motivated. It's so hard waiting to bring Annabella home. I remember when I "met" you online you were in my situation. And now look at your big 2 year old!!
Hugs to you.

Sue said...

Glad to see that K is feeling better! How sweet is her singing?!!! And love the fun times w/ her ge ge. Hope to see you at playgroup soon!

Sherry said...

I love that little voice! Sounds tooooo cute! So glad she is getting over the HMF sickness and back to playin with her bro. Very cute videos:)

Kerry said...

Hi Nicole! Love these photos. Your kids are too cute.

Jennifer said...

What a beautiful family you have. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed looking at yours!
